What are Peptides? 

Peptides are made by our bodies. They are chains of amino acids which are the “building blocks” of proteins. There are currently dozens of peptides approved for use in the U.S. 

How can peptides help me? 

  • Slow aging by improving the quality of your skin and giving it a healthy glow 
  • Supports a healthy hairs and nails 
  • Build muscle and reduce fat which  
  • Aide in your exercise recovery time which assist with weight management 
  • Help promote sleep and increase your energy 
  • Increase healing and recovery time when you had surgery or hurt yourself 
  • Strengthen bones  

Is this safe? 

Peptides are produced in our bodies. We get our peptides from an FDA approved peptide laboratory that is in the US. Below are the peptides we offer. 

  • AOD 9604-A major benefit of this peptide is that it helps to stimulate the breakdown and destruction of fat and inhibits formation of additional fat. 
  • PT-141 (Bremelanotide)– This peptide increases the desire for intimacy and bonding with your partner and intensifies mood. 
  • BPC-157- This peptide has many advantages to healing. It helps to repair the intestinal lining and increases tissue regeneration. It reduces inflammation, promotes healing, relieves joint pain, and strengthens immune function. It also promotes muscle strength and endurance.  
  • Tesofensine -reduces appetite and controls food cravings for sweet, fatty, and salty foods; improved quality of life, self-esteem, sexual desire. 
  • CJC1295/Ipamorelin– There are several benefits including accelerated health and recovery time with improved sleep. It helps muscle growth and progresses fat loss by speeding up fat metabolism. 
  • NAD+– This helps to improve kidney and liver function, aids in DNA repair, immune support, it has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps with anti-aging as well as increases longevity.  
  • MOTS-C– This assists the mitochondrial function, which are the energy center of the cell. It regulates the metabolism, reduces fat accumulation, and is an exercise-mimetic peptide.

Vitamin Deficiency Treatment: 

Many don’t even know they are lacking certain vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals influence how you feel and how your body functions on a daily basis. We offer several vitamins to help balance these deficiencies. We believe in creating a personized approach to optimize your wellness results.

  • Lipotropic MIC injections also known as Skinny Shots: Starting your weight loss adventure? This is the injection you need! It produces great results by helping your body breakdown fat for energy and decrease body fat. Metabolism is sometimes the biggest complication when it comes to achieving your goal weight. Boosting your metabolism is one of the best ways to jumpstart your loss journey going. We provide MIC metabolism vitamin shots. It is made up of amino acids that are found in protein which help build muscle.
  • Methionine, a cholesterol distributor that is essential for fat metabolism.
  • Choline, and a fat burner that helps influence insulin resistance and Inositol used to assist in boosting your natural metabolism. This shot helps chronic fatigue and weight loss plateau. This shot is given once a week. It is safe and effective, so why not start now? 
  • Glutathione: It is an injectable peptide and is a natural antioxidant and is in every cell in the body. It is a collection of three amino acids- Glutamic acid, cysteine, and Glycine. These three work together to boost the immune system and aid with counteracting damaging free radicals. It also helps with mental clarity. 
  • Vitamin D: It is found in milk and foods. The sun provides it as well. Lots of people are deficient and need more. Lack of energy, bone pain, weakness, and depression are some symptoms you can have if your Vitamin D is low. 
  • Vitamin B-12: It is an essential nutrient. The body does not produce it; you usually get it through food like fish, meat, eggs, and dairy. It can help increase your metabolism and helps you feel invigorated. 
  • Biotin: aka vitamin B7 is found in foods like eggs, milk, and bananas. It is an important part of enzymes in the body that break down substances like fats, carbohydrates, and others. Adding more will help symptoms of thinning hair and brittle nails.  
  • Tri Immune Boost: This is a power-packed immunity blend of Glutathione, Ascorbic Acid and Zinc. It’s the ultimate immunity booster to help maintain a healthy immune system.