Testosterone Replacement Therapy

  • Feeling tired all the time?
  • Tired of being overweight and sluggish?
  • Do you feel depressed or have a decreased sex drive?
  • Are you tired of not having lean muscle mass?

These are all symptoms of low testosterone for men.

There has been a huge decline in male Testosterone in the United States over the last few decades. It is said that Testosterone has dropped around 30 %. With this said, it is still under treated and many males are never even checked by their Primary Care Provider. Get your life moving towards the right direction. There is something to look forward to again. Let us help you. Higher / normal levels of Testosterone can produce a happier mood and promote sleep. It can help increase sex drive and your overall mood.

We offer bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to replace hormones/Testosterone that are low. Once this has been done, the symptoms listed above will start to improve. You will start feeling like yourself again. We walk with you in this journey and tailor a specific individualized plan just for you.